best customer service!
1000+ Processed Orders since early 2019100% Positive0% Neutral0% Negative
Introducing KG Pusher.

It's time for a new bulletin with the latest information about the Squad! Since the start of the summer, we were intensively working on a new project: a redistribution platform to supply all kinds of drugs in wholesale quantities to the European Union's biggest players in the scene.

Already built. Already live. Ready for new business opportunities.

KG Pusher's primary goal is to reach out to the big players in the European Union who need to resupply their resellers with wholesale quantities of drugs. Besides PrescoxySquad, we dispatched in the last 2 years a lot of parcels throughout many of the EU's countries, all of them were received with a stunning 100% successful delivery ratio. Those customers aren't frequently enough ordering and therefore we are reaching out for new business opportunities. In order to achieve a good level of trust from both sides, we provide '10th of a kilogram' samples to prove our delivery promises and to not make you wire a lot of cryptocurrency to a group without knowing if they're really trustworthy. But hey, you're talking to us!

Another thing we feel ashamed for: because of a small coding error, the contact messages sent by the contact form ended up in a different place in the underlying database, therefore we didn't see all of those messages sent in the last month or two. We started already with replying the missed messages, but thought we had to let you know this in our news bulletin too.
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• Online

News Update | May 16th, 2024

Current Stock Overview

Dear friends and trustworthy customers,

We've recently updated our stock, the following products are now available:

PrescoxySquad OxyCodone (Sandoz Brand) 10mg (Extended Release)

PrescoxySquad OxyCodone (Aurobindo Brand) 20mg (Extended Release)

PrescoxySquad Tramol-X / Tramadol (Tom Farm Brand) 225mg Pills

PrescoxySquad LSD Blotters 250ug (Old School Strength) in 3 different artworks

PrescoxySquad XTC Pills (Pop Smoke) 300mg (Stronger than average)

PrescoxySquad Ketamine Shards / Needles (Uncut) India Import

PrescoxySquad Wet Speed Paste (Uncut | 100% Pure)

PrescoxySquad Wet Speed Paste (Caffed | 75% Pure / 25% Caffeine)

All the products listed above are in stock and ready to be dispatched within 24 hours after your purchase. We accept the following Cryptocurrencies:


We've temporarily disabled PrescoxySquad as payment option.

Much love and feel free to place your order with us,


Active/Current Marketplaces

UPDATED: May 16th, 2024

Marketplace Rating Market Status Proof
100% Positive
242 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
11 Processed Orders

Visit Vendor Shop

100% Positive
254 Processed Orders
Seized by LE

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
52 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
33 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
30 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
8 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
4 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
3 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
0 Processed Orders

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
1 Processed Orders
Sleep Mode (No Activity)

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
1 Processed Orders
Sleep Mode (No Activity)

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
7 Processed Orders
Sleep Mode (No Activity)

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

Marketplace History/Archive

UPDATED: May 16th, 2024

Marketplace Rating Market Status Proof
100% Positive
245 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

93.48% Positive
187 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
84 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

97.4% Positive
80 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
[Finalize Early Privileges]
39 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

100% Positive
31 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

100% Positive
30 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on Recon

100% Positive
14 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
13 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
5 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

100% Positive
4 Processed Orders
Stopped Vending

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
3 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
2 Processed Orders
Stopped Vending

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
5 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

100% Positive
5 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

100% Positive
4 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on Recon

100% Positive
2 Processed Orders
Stopped Vending

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
1 Processed Order
Stopped Vending

Unavailable on DarkNetTrust or Recon

100% Positive
1 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust

100% Positive
1 Processed Orders
Exit Scammed

Verify on DarkNetTrust


The Next Chapter

Since the start of PrescoxySquad back in early 2019, the Squad was immediately thrown into a rollercoaster ride of Markets who decided that taking a one-time jackpot would be more beneficial than going for the long run. Every single time, PrescoxySquad started a new Vendor account on a big Marketplace, paid the necessary Vendor Bonds, started listing products, gained a very good profile with beautiful reviews and ending up with it being all for nothing, because the Marketplace in question decided to get a one-time jackpot and be gone forever. Leaving all the people behind who put serious time and effort into their profiles to gain a more serious name.

PrescoxySquad was done wasting time, effort and energy into it. Because of this, the decision was made to start their own Vendor Shop to get rid of this problem and be able to serve customers for a much longer time, while preserving the quality brand name which they gained during the initial period.

PrescoxySquad Vendor Shop is built entirely withheaderin order to preserve the visitors privacy!

Past Market History

Since early 2019, PrescoxySquad started to build their Empire with the highest quality customer service ever available on the DarkWeb.

This resulted in a whopping 1000+ total sales in which every single customer rated 100% positive and/or gave us a 5-star positive feedback.

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